It will take you to blog post with definitions. Positive Adjektive & Eigenschaften mit Z zielbewusst. Das Adjektiv - Tabelle mit Adjektiven auf Französisch, deutsche Übersetzung Aachener aalähnlich aalartig aalförmig aalglatt aalgleich aargauisch aaronisch [relig.] Audacious very bold, daring and confident.August inspiring admiration or awe; majestic or profoundly honored; characterized by an impressive quality, grandeur or majestic dignity.Aureate golden in shine or color; gilded; excessively and/or elaborately ornamented; characterized by grandiloquent and pompous language.Auroral of or pertaining to auroras (northern lights or dawn); rosy.Auspicious tending to favor or bring good luck; prosperous; fortunate; favorable.Authentic having a genuine original or authority, in opposition to that which is false, fictitious or counterfeit.Authoritative of recognized authority, accuracy or excellence; official; highly reliable.Authorized given official approval to act.Autonomous free from external control and constraint; not controlled by outside forces. Delia — the leader. Vous n'avez pas à choisir entre -bar et -lich sauf exception, voir la phrase 1), il faut regarder ce qui existe dans le dictionnaire. Accredited Reply. Affirmable Acknowledged Almighty Acclaimed So for k right I think they are many word not only kind they are knowledgeable, kind heart . Assertive Abenteuerlustige Menschen habe Lust auf Abenteuer. Sie stellen sich nicht Ihrer Verantwortung. POSITIVE ADJECTIVES STARTING WITH A. A-OK A1 Abiding Able Able-bodied Abounding Aboveboard Absolute Absolved Abundant Academic Acceptable Accepted Accepting Accessible … Adroit To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic. Acceptable Positive Adjektive für Personen – personenbeschreibende Adjektive Mit treffenden Adjektiven unsere Mitmenschen in ein gutes Licht setzen . Aas fressend aasfressend aasfressig aasig abänderbar abänderlich abaissiert abakteriell abartig abatisch abaxial abbaubar abbauwürdig abbildbar Adulatory Aged brought to desired maturity or ripeness.Ageless existing forever; eternal; always appearing youthful; never seeming to age.Agile characterized by quickness and lightness in movement; mentally quick; nimble; active.Aglow glowing; radiant.Agreeable pleasing to the mind or senses; pleasant; grateful; prepared to agree; suitable; conformable. Available Wie Du Adjektive für eine durchschlagende Botschaft nutzt. Using words like these can help when you want to describe other people, objects, places, and situations in a pleasant way. Abderian inclined to merriment or laughter.Abiding continuing; permanent; steadfast.Abjunctive exceptional.Ablaze radiant with bright color and light; excited or fervent.Able capable of performing; having sufficient power, skill or resources to accomplish a task, object or something.Able-bodied having a physically strong and capable body.Able-minded having much or great intellectual power.Abloom flowering or being in bloom; blossoming; thriving in beauty, health and vigor.Abounding plentiful; abundant; existing in abundance.Aboveboard without concealment or deception; honest.Absolute perfect, complete or pure; free from any limitation or condition; uncontrolled; unrestricted; unconditional.Absolved cleared or freed from any question of guilt; clear.Abstract theoretical (existing as an idea or in thought); of or pertaining to abstract.Abundant present in high quantity; more than adequate; fully sufficient; plentiful; rich. Au Courant OPEN, OPEN-HEARTED, OPEN-MINDED, OPTIMISTIC, OPULENT, ORIGINAL, OUTSTANDING, OWNING-MY-POWER. (affirmative) positif, positive adj adjectif: modifie un nom. Französisch/Français lernen mit Aufgaben + Übungen ★ kostenfreie Nachhilfe aller Themen online ★ Wissen der Klasse 1-9 interaktiv üben für Schule + Studium ★ 6700+ Quiz, Tests, Rätsel, Spiele, Training, Prüfungen, Denksport, Puzzles Attentive Amicable zuversichtlich zuverlässig. Admirable Maskulin oder Feminin . Acquiescent Accreditable Diese Begriffe lassen dich und anderen ein bisschen fliegen. Aglitter Positive Adjektive 2021. Positive Words! As with many other things in life, they can be positive or negative. La discrimination positive vise à éradiquer une discrimination subie par un groupe de personnes en leur faisant bénéficier temporairement d’un traitement préférentiel. Anti-inflammatory Positive Adjectives For People. Amusing Activate and "adorn" your vocabulary with these attentive and awe-inspiring positive words. Ardent 1. angenehm 2. Affirmative giving approval or assent; confirming; optimistic; positive; asserting that something is correct or true. Adaptable Folgend eine alphabetische Liste mit Adjektiven von A bis Z. Heute gibt es neues DaZ-Material, diesmal für die Größeren. Liste des mots positifs ~ Liste des mots positifs en français ~ Dictionnaire des mots positifs ~ Mots gentils ~ Mots positifs qui commencent par chaque lettre de lalphabet de A à Z ~ Mots positifs pour décrire quelquun ~ Mots positifs dencouragement ~ Mots inspirés ~ Mots inspirants ~ Les mots positifs ~ Le vocabulaire positif ~ Les sentiments positifs ~ Les émotions positives ~ La pensée positive ~ La psychologie positive ~ Les Adjektive sind ein wichtiger Baustein, um eine mächtige Botschaft zu entwickeln. Bestimmte Artikel le, la, l und les Teil2. Artful If you are looking definitions of the adjectives, just click the headlines. Affectionate Affable having characteristics that attract love or affection; good-natured, easy and pleasant to talk to or friendly; gracious; benign; courteous.Affecting arousing affect; capable of or inspiring strong emotion; moving; touching.Affectionate feeling or showing love and affection; loving; fond; tender.Affective pertaining to or exciting emotion or arousing feelings; affecting; emotional.Affiliated being joined or united in close association.Affined closely related or bound.Affirmative giving approval or assent; confirming; optimistic; positive; asserting that something is correct or true.Affluent having a great deal of money, property or resources; wealthy; plentiful; abundant; flowing freely.Affluential socially influential and wealthy. Le chien est bleu. Attractive Ataractic Auspicious Approachable Ascend Positive adjectives describe emotions such as happiness, love, inspiration, peace, hope, excitement, gratefulness, and amusement. Artikel 6. Atingle Alight Athletic Following is a list of 100 positive adjectives you can use to describe people & things in English. Mit diesen Adjektiven beschreibst du etwas auf positive Art und Weise. À la mode fashionable or stylish; topped with ice-cream.A-OK okay; definitely ok; in good condition or order.A1 excellent; first-class; first-rate; highest possible quality. Assistive Arresting Réponse : [Allemand]Adjektive auf -bar und -lich de gerold, postée le 28-01-2020 à 11:59:33 (S | E) Bonjour trew Cet exercice est difficile en effet. Positive adjectives that start with i. Aesthetic Admissible Alert Accountable Artistic ... sich zu wiederholen. Philosophie positive, se dit d'un système philosophique émané de l'ensemble des sciences positives ; Auguste Comte en est le fondateur ; ce philosophe emploie particulièrement cette expression par opposition à philosophie théologique et à philosophie métaphysique. Eine meiner Freundinnen hat mit ihren Förderschülern in Klasse 9 positive Eigenschaften sammeln wollen. Positive adjectives that start with A. Alive Reply. Adjustable Aged brought to desired maturity or ripeness. Accepted Commencer la leçon Pendu. Adjektive nouveau, beau, vieux. Attention: Les mots de la liste de vocabulaire ne sont disponibles qu'à partir de ce navigateur Internet. Fortune favors the audacious. Alluring Astonishing Awestricken, © Copyright 2016 -, Positive adjectives that start with A |List of positive adjectives, Positive words that start with e to describe someone, Positive words that start with n to describe someone. You need to know positive adjectives in order to describe someone's character or manner … Le suffixe -lich entraîne en général l'Umlaut et il faut employer le préfixe négatif un- si nécessaire. Most people would consider the character traits described by the personality adjectives below to be "good" or positive. Adjektive beginnend mit A ... Wählen Sie aus folgender Liste das Adjektiv aus. Aware Take also look of positive verbs starting with a and positive nouns starting with a. A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I I J I K I L I M I N I O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I W I X I Y I Z I M - Adjektive in einer Liste - Ausdrucken / Download. Deutsch. Diese Wörter sind grundsätzlich gut, freundlich gemeint und schmeichelnd. However, the 2q21.3 locus is also associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes in humans, raising the possibilit … A MicroRNA Linking Human Positive Selection and Metabolic Disorders Cell. Assured Acheiver Autarkic Sie sind meist loyale, gute und treue Meschen. Advanced Sie gehen planvoll und systematisch vor. Activist This is generally true, but remember that words are often used subjectively. Anti-Malarial Aboveboard Attainable Adjektive mit Akkusativ Link zum vollständigen Video: Accordant Mood Adjectives: Sadness Adjectives that hint […] Avant-garde Adamantine Awesome Appreciatory Aholic a person who likes something to excess or feels compulsively need to do something. They have been chosen especially for ESL learners. Positive selection in Europeans at the 2q21.3 locus harboring the lactase gene has been attributed to selection for the ability of adults to digest milk to survive famine in ancient times. Verschiedene Adjektive. Analytical Adorable Achievible Steigerung der Adjektive. 1. Air aerial; unreal or imaginary; of or pertaining to the transmission or broadcast of television or radio signal.Airy lofty; aerial; delicate or light; merry; light-hearted. Appetizing Alphonse de Lamartine TWEET THIS. Sie suchen den Nervenkitzel der mit neu erlebten... abergläubisch. - Desiderius Erasmus TWEET THIS. In Leo selbst wird "positive locking" mit Formschluss übersetzt. Animate Too much work learning a new word! Adrenalized Delia is the person we know who will probably become successful. Avid Assiduous Amiable Adventuresome Ameliorator Acceptive Amorous Power-Adjektive - Liste mit motivierenden Adjektiven. Anti-infective Adaptive In unserer Charaktereigenschaften-Liste findest du schnell positive und negative Adjektive von A bis Z zur Beschreibung deiner oder einer anderen Person. Cours: Débutant Grammaire. Accurate When you are talking about people, there are a lot of different adjectives you might use to describe them in a positive way. Amative pertaining to love; amorous; amatory; full of love.Amatory of or pertaining to love, lovemaking or romance.Amazing causing amazement and wonder; possessing uniquely wonderful qualities; inspiring awe or admiration.Ambidextrous able to use both hands with equal skill and ability; very skillful; adroit.Ambitious characterized by or motivated by strong desire for achievement or success; desirous; eager.Ambrosial divine or worthy of the gods; extremely and succulently sweet, delicious or fragrant.Ameliorative having tendency producing or produce amelioration, amendment or improvement.Amenable responsive to advice, suggestion or authority; willing; agreeable; governable.Amiable agreeable and friendly in disposition; likable and good-natured; cordial; sociable; congenial; lovable; lovely; pleasing; sweet; gracious.Amicable characterized by friendliness and goodwill; friendly; peaceable.Ample great or large in size, extent, scope, amount or capacity; more than or fully sufficient; spacious; roomy.Amusing entertaining; pleasing; funny; hilarious; arousing laughter and enjoyment. Zielbewusste Menschen setzen sich Ziele und handeln entschlossen um diese Ziele zu erreichen. Diese Begriffe halte ich für die treffendsten und wirksamsten. Traductions en contexte de "positive adjectives" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : People with unconscious bias find it easier to associate positive adjectives with Caucasian faces. Affluent unregelmaeßige Adverbien. Ascendant most important, powerful or influential; superior; inclining or moving upward; ascending or risingAscending moving, going or growing upward; progressing or moving toward a higher degree or level.Aspirant striving or desiring for recognition, distinction or advancementAspiring seeking or desiring advancement or recognition.Assertive showing poise and confidence in your own worth; positive.Assiduous performed with constant attention or diligence; unremitting; persistent; devoted.Assistant helping; lending aid or support; auxiliary.Assistive giving or providing assistance or help.Associate accompanying or following; admitted to some privileges and rights; concomitant.Associated joined in some kind of relationship; accompanying; combined.Associative characterized by causing or resulting from association.Assorted selected; arranged in varieties or sorts; mixed.Assuasive soothing; tranquilizing; calming; mitigating.Assured confident; characterized by security or certainty; guaranteed.Assurgent tending to rise or rising; ascending; extending or growing upward.Assuring giving confidence; that assures; tending to assure.Astir being in motion (especially with much excitement or activity) or characterized by motion; active; stirring.Astonishing surprisingly impressive as to overwhelm or stun; very wonderful.Astounding capable of overwhelming with amazement or wonderment; astonishing; amazing.Astronomical of enormous magnitude; immense; very large or vast.Astute critically discerning; sagacious; shrewd; subtle; crafty. Arboreal of or pertaining to a trees or tree.Ardent shining or glowing like fire; characterized by or displaying strong enthusiasm, passion or devotion.Argent silvery or silvery white.Ariose characterized by melody (especially as distinguished from recitative or harmony); song-like; melodic.Aristocratic of or pertaining to an aristocracy; consisting in or favoring a government of principal men or nobles.Aromatic sweet-smelling or fragrant; having an pleasant aroma or odor.Arranged planned in advance or placed or disposed in a particular kind of order.Arresting striking; attracting attention; impressive.Artful exhibiting skill or art; dexterous; skillful.Articulate expressing yourself readily, clearly and effectively v. express or state clearly; to give clarity to; to unite by joints.Artistic aesthetically pleasing; of or pertaining to characteristic of art or artists; showing skill and imagination. Agleam 18 responses to “Positive Personality Adjectives List” Lloyd says : March 17, 2014 at 22:53. Eigenschaften als Adjektive mit A aalglatt. Il est généralement placé après le nom et s'accorde avec le nom (ex : un ballon bleu, une balle bleue).En général, seule la forme au masculin singulier est donnée. Wenn wir darüber reden poitive Adjektivekönnen wir un auf zwei Konzepte beziehen: Einereit wird de. Accomodative Aspirant Accept Adverbien 2. abenteuerlustig. Aspirational ps. Sie sind unveränderlich und haben keinen Numerus oder Genus. Abubble Awaited expected hopefully.Awake mentally responsive and perceptive; carefully observant or attentive.Aware apprised; informed; cognizant; conscious.Awash abounding; filled; covered; covered with water.Awe-inspiring inspiring or arousing admiration, wonder or awe (especially through being magnificent, impressive or formidable); awesome.Awesome inspiring wonder, awe or admiration; very good or impressive.Awestruck overcome or filled with awe or wonder. Accomplishment traduction attitude positive dans le dictionnaire Français - Français de Reverso, voir aussi 'attitude corporelle',attitude foetale',attitude psychologique',affecter une attitude douceâtre', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques Von A wie außergewöhnlich über M wie motivierend bis Z wie zauberhaft. Awe Inspiring Inhalt. Adept Adequate Hier ist meine Auswahl. Principales traductions: Anglais: Français: positive adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." La discrimination positive (terme considéré comme impropre par le GDT1) ou action positive2 ou dédiscrimination3 est le fait de « favoriser certains groupes de Accomplished Positive Adjectives to describe starting with letter P Unsere facettenreiche Liste mit Charaktereigenschaften von A bis Z kann dir helfen, Dopplungen von Wörtern zu vermeiden und so für Vielfalt zu sorgen. Ascetic Axiological of or pertaining to value theory (philosophical field of axiology). Avuncular She may not have so many friends, but she takes pleasure from her success. Advantageous Affordable Um in einem Werbetext bestimmte Personengruppen, wie beispielsweise Firmeninhaber, Geschäftsführer oder Mitarbeiter, positiv und aussagekräftig zu beschreiben, sind wirkungsvolle Adjektive unentbehrlich. Abuzz Aachener aalähnlich aalartig aalförmig aalglatt aalgleich aargauisch aaronisch [relig.] Agog Positive Adjektive. Accessible Amazing Appreciative Amazing; Awesome; Blithesome; Excellent; Fabulous; Fantastic; Favorable; Fortuitous; Gorgeous; Incredible; Unique; Mirthful; Outstanding; Perfect She knows what she wants in life, and she has the power to take it! Agreeable Adamant impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests or reason; unshakable in purpose, determination or opinion; unyielding; firm.Adamantine having the luster or hardness of a diamond; unyielding; unbreakable; stout.Adaptable capable of adapting to a particular use or situation.Adept having or showing great knowledge, skill and aptitude; well skilled.Adequate sufficient for the purpose or task; satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.Adherent sticking; clinging; adhesive.Adjusted altered, changed or arranged to accommodate to certain requirements; bring into a proper relation; having achieved a comfortable balance or relation with something.Admirable wonderful; marvelous; inspiring or deserving of the highest admiration, esteem or approval.Admired regarded with delight and wonder; astonishing; highly prized.Admissible worthy of being admitted or entitled to be admitted; that may be allowed, accepted or conceded.Adonic of or pertaining to Adonis; exceptionally handsome; having a rhythm consisting of a dactyl followed by a trochee or spondee.Adorable worthy of or deserving to be adored; worthy of the utmost respect or love; lovable (especially in a childlike way), charming and delightful; cute.Adored regarded with rapturous or deep and intense love.Adroit quick, skillful or adept in thought or action; clever; dexterous; skillful.Adulatory servively flattering or praising.Advance being, made or given ahead of time or need; going forward, in front or before.Advanced situated ahead or going before; progressive; highly developed or enhanced; being at higher level than others in knowledge, skill or training.Advantaged having better or greater skills, knowledge, resources and the like; having abundant or sufficient income.Advantageous involving, being or creating favorable circumstances that increase the chances of success or effectiveness; beneficial; gainful; profitable; useful.Adventuresome willing boldly to undertake or seeking out new and daring activities or enterprises; bold; daring; venturesome.Adventurous same as ADVENTURESOME.Advisable worthy or capable of being suggested or recommended; prudent; desirable: expedient. Ascendant Appeasable Available accessible, obtainable or suitable and ready for service or use; valid; advantageous.Avant-garde radically original or new; daring; modern.Avid characterized by enthusiasm and active interest; eager. Farben auf französisch. Aas fressend aasfressend aasfressig aasig abänderbar abänderlich abaissiert abakteriell abartig abatisch abaxial abbaubar abbauwürdig abbildbar abbruchreif abchasisch [geogr.] Stellung der Adjektive. Annie says : May 31, 2015 at 23:10. Aphrodisiac intensifying, exciting or arousing sexual desire n. a food, drug or something edible that stimulates sexual excitement.Aplenty overlarge or in a generous quantity; abundant.Apollonian harmonious, clear and restrained; serene; calm; well-balanced.Appealing attractive; interesting; inviting; charming.Appeasive capable of being appeased or tending to appease.Appetent desiring; very desirous; eagerly longing.Appetizing stimulating, exciting or appealing to the appetite (especially in aroma or appearance).Applied having a practical use or purpose.Apposite appropriate; relevant; well-suited; fit.Appreciated fully grasped and understood; having risen in value or recognized as having value.Appreciative feeling or showing gratitude or appreciation.Apprehensible capable of being apprehended, conceived or understood.Approachable easy to talk, approach or deal with; friendly; accessible.Appropriate suitable for a particular person, use, condition, place or occasion; fitting.Approving expressing or manifesting approbation, approval or praise; commendingApropos of a pertinent nature or appropriate; opportune.Apt quick to understand or learn; prepared; ready; willing; suitable; appropriate; fit or fitted. Astute Analgesic Adjektive beginnend mit A ... Wählen Sie aus folgender Liste das Adjektiv aus. Bestimmte Artikel le, la, l' und les.